Osteoporosis Prevention Tips For Postmenopausal Women

Osteoporosis is a disease that makes the bones in the body weak and brittle, putting them at an increased risk for fracture. The condition is typically found in postmenopausal women when the amount of  estrogen, a hormone that helps protect the bones, drops drastically. Luckily, there are several things that post menopausal women can do to help eliminate or slow down the onset of osteoporosis and prevent fractures. If you are a postmenopausal woman, try doing the following:

Pay Attention to Your Diet

A healthy diet is important for everyone, but if you're concerned about osteoporosis it is important to get adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D. Milk, cheese, yogurt, dark leafy greens, and calcium-fortified foods should all be consumed regularly. If you are not able to consume enough calcium through diet alone, you may need to take calcium supplements.

Vitamin D is also a very important nutrient, as it helps the body effectively absorb calcium. In order to get enough vitamin D in your diet, eat egg yolks, cheese, beef liver, and fatty fish like salmon and tuna. Talk to your doctor about vitamin D supplements if you are vitamin D deficient.


Exercise should be a daily activity for postmenopausal women. Regular exercise can help preserve bone density and increase a woman's muscle strength. Having stronger muscles can help prevent falls and other accidents that can lead to fractures and broken bones. The best exercise to help prevent osteoporosis is weight bearing exercise, such as walking, jogging, and hiking.

Bone Density Testing

Bone density testing is a procedure that measures bone mineral density. A post menopausal woman should have her bone density tested regularly so signs of osteoporosis can be detected early. If a bone density test shows that your bones are beginning to weaken, your doctor may prescribe medication to help slow the loss of bone density or to help increase bone density.

Monitor Your Medications

There are several medications, such as steroids, anticoagulants, and anti-epileptic drugs, that can contribute to bone loss in postmenopausal women. If you take any of these medications, make sure you speak with your doctor so your bone density can be carefully monitored as you grow older.

Quit Smoking

In this day and age, everyone knows that smoking is bad for the body. In addition to causing many health problems, smoking can also contribute to osteoporosis. Quitting smoking can help slow down bone density loss, and improve your health overall. 

Check with places like Radius for more help and information.
