Three Reasons Your Power Chair Isn't Working

For most people, their power chair is somewhat like their lifeline. The power chair allows them to maneuver both easily and independently. Consequently, when their power chair isn't functioning correctly, this is nothing short of a crisis. If your chair isn't working, don't panic just yet. There is likely a simple cause for the problem that can easily be resolved.

Chair Won't Start

The chair is fully charged, but it won't start. The battery is likely not to blame. Instead, the brake release lever just might be in the wrong position. This is an especially common issue when the power chair died abruptly while in use. To ensure safety, power chair manufacturers generally require that the brake release lever be in the park position before the chair powers on.

If the chair suddenly died while you were using it last, it is likely that it is still in the drive position, which will prevent the chair from powering on. Take a moment to check the lever position to see if this is the problem.

Battery Won't Charge

If you plug your chair up and it won't charge, the first thing you want to check are the battery connectors. It doesn't matter if you keep the battery on the charger for twelve hours, if the connectors are not securely attached, the battery simply won't charge.

Simply through normal manipulation of the battery, it is not uncommon for these connectors to loosen over time. When placing the battery on the charging unit, ensure that the connection is secure. If this doesn't work and you have had the battery for a while, it might be time to consider a replacement.

Scooter Is Moving Slower Than Normal

You're accustomed to your scooter moving at a particular pace. When it moves slower than normal, your first concern might be that it's failing. However, in reality, there is a very simple reason why this occurring. Is the chair weighed down? A number of people also use their power chairs to transport things, such as groceries.

If your own weight is already near the chair's maximum capacity, those groceries you are toting could the weight level over the top. When the weight capacity is exceeded, this causes the chair to move at a slower pace. Remove the extra weight and this will likely resolve the problem.

If you can't seem to find the resolution for your chair on your own, don't hesitate to contact a professional. Rather than cause potential damage to the chair, it's best to rely on a skilled professional to resolve the underlying problem for you.

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