Scoliosis And Pregnancy: Easy Ways To Alleviate The Discomfort

If you're pregnant, and you have scoliosis, you're probably worried about how the disease will affect your pregnancy. It's important to note that while you may experience additional aches and pains, you should still be able to have a healthy pregnancy. If you have scoliosis, you should discuss the disease with your obstetrician. Here are three ways that scoliosis may affect your pregnancy.

Additional Breathing Difficulties

As your pregnancy progresses, your spine will begin to curve to accommodate the additional weight. During the later stages of your pregnancy, breathing can get quite difficult, especially as your baby grows and takes up more room. With scoliosis, the additional curvature of your spine may increase the difficulty. The curvature of your spine will push your uterus further into your diaphragm.

Luckily, taking the pressure off your diaphragm can make it easier for you to breathe. Here's a simple method you can use to take pressure off your diaphragm. Sit down and put your feet flat on the floor. Get your back as straight as possible and take several deep breaths. Relax and repeat the breathing exercise several times.

Discomfort While Walking

If you have a severe curvature of your spine, one of your legs may be shorter than the other. This difference can cause you to place more weight on one side of your body. As your baby grows larger, it may be more difficult for you to walk comfortably.  Here's a simple way for you to relieve the pressure on your back and legs.

Stand up against a wall with your feet flat on the ground. Spread your feet about 12" apart and bend slightly at the knees. Now, slowly you're your waist to the right and hold for a few seconds. Return to a standing position and then bend to the left. Repeat this exercise several times a day.

New Aches and Pains

If you've never suffered from aches and pains associated with your scoliosis, this may change now that you're pregnant. While mild to moderate back pain is normal during pregnancy, it can be made worse by scoliosis. The added weight of pregnancy can aggravate your scoliosis and cause you to experience aches and pains in your back and hips.

You can alleviate some of the discomfort by laying down for a few minutes each day. Elevate your legs so that they're higher than your hips and place a pillow under your knees. It's also a good idea to place a small pillow or rolled towel under the small of your back.

Just because you have scoliosis, doesn't mean you have to have a difficult pregnancy. The information provided here will help you alleviate some of the pain and discomfort associated with scoliosis and pregnancy. Be sure to discuss your medical condition with your obstetrician. They'll be able to provide you with additional information that will help you have a healthy pregnancy. For more information, contact a company like Pregnancy Center Of Wayne County.
