Soothing Your Skin After Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is an extremely effective way to get rid of hair permanently. Whether you have this treatment performed on your face, legs, bikini line, or another area, the process itself is pretty painless, since a numbing cream is generally used. Once you get home, however, you'll likely notice that your skin is a bit sore. Follow these tips to soothe the soreness and burning as your skin heals from the laser therapy.

Use sunscreen and limit sun exposure.

Your dermatologist will likely tell you to avoid sunlight in the days following your laser hair removal treatment. He or she means it! If you must go outside, even if it is just for 20 minutes to weed your garden or mow the lawn, put on sunscreen to protect your skin. A spray-on formula is ideal, since you won't have to rub it in and cause additional irritation as you would with a cream. Listen to your dermatologist, and avoid long-term sun exposure during the first week or so after treatment. Activities like visiting the beach and re-doing your landscaping can wait.

Use gentle, natural soap.

Perhaps you normally use a scented body wash or an acne treatment wash. Set any soaps or washes of this sort aside temporarily. While you're recovering from laser hair removal, you want to use as mild a soap as possible on the treated area. Unscented bar soap is a good choice, as is unscented castile soap.

Apply a cucumber face mask.

You've probably seen ladies put cucumber slices over their eyes. Perhaps you have even done this yourself. Cucumber is known for its soothing, refreshing qualities, and it is as good for sore skin as it is for tired eyes. Puree a slice of cucumber in the food processor until it is smooth and mostly liquid. Smooth this puree over the treated area as you sit in the bath. Let it sit for as long as you like; it should feel cool and refreshing.

Say "no" to makeup.

If you had laser hair removal performed on your face, you might be tempted to hide the redness with makeup. However, this will make the soreness and burning worse. Do without makeup for a few days, even if this means staying far away from cameras and hiding in your office at work. Your skin will heal faster, so you don't have to continue dealing with redness and discomfort for weeks on end.

If you have concerns about recovering from laser hair removal treatment, talk to your dermatologist. Every patient is different; your dermatologist may recommend methods different from those above, depending on your skin type and the area you had treated. Visit The Sheen Vein Institute for more information.
